Apr 13, 2014

hey there, 18 months!

You know that one saying, "Oh how the time flies"? Or how about "Where does the time go?" Those sayings are 110% true. Seriously. Ashton is 18 months old! What?!? How?? This is not OK! My baby is growing up :-( But it really is a great thing, and it is so much fun to watch him grow and learn and explore his ever-changing world. Here are some recent pics of the little cutie...

18 months has turned out to be one of the hardest months yet...Ashton has lost a little weight and refuses to eat, with the exception of less than a handful of foods. He won't touch pasta, rice, bread, fruit, vegetables, or meat. Not even chicken nuggets. What kid doesn't like chicken nuggets?? He will, however, eat oatmeal and other hot cereals. And yogurt. He really like yogurt. So we've had to give him Pediasure so that he can at least get some nutrients and calories. It's so frustrating and emotional when your baby throws every food you offer him onto the floor. I just want him to eat! Eat, Ashton!! But I still love you, even though you and your apparent food phobia can drive me absolutely crazy sometimes.