Mar 19, 2014

good news + first trip to the dentist

Kirk and I were recently tested to see if one of us carried the mutated gene that caused Ashton's syndrome. And it turns out, both of us tested negative!  We're so excited--this means that we don't have to do PGD/in-vitro for future kids, and that was a huge financial burden that we don't have to worry about anymore.  So since we tested negative, it means that Ashton's gene mutation was just a random occurrence that *most likely* won't happen again (I love how they always have to put that disclaimer in there).

In other news, Ashton had his first dentist appointment today!  And he was a trooper.  That poor kid has to endure so much poking and prodding on a regular basis, but he is strong and tough--much more tough than his mom.  I have to take my mind to another place every time I have to help hold him down for the doctors to work on him or else I lose it.  As a mom, you hate seeing your child suffer and wish you could just take his place so that he will never have to experience pain.  But that's just part of life, and we all have to experience trials--some more than others.