Jun 21, 2014

Fast for Ashton

Hey all! So I'm way behind in posts (like our awesome trip to Nauvoo last month!), but before I start playing catch up, I wanted to let everyone know that Ashton will be having surgery this Tuesday, the 24th, to have his branchial clefts on his neck removed. We are going to be holding a fast tomorrow (Sunday) and would be so grateful to anyone who wishes to join us. Prayers are always welcome, too!!

The surgery will take anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours, depending on what they find when they get in there and how much of a tract, if any, they have to take out. They don't anticipate him needing to stay at the hospital overnight (hopefully!). We are so lucky to have the seriously AMAZING Dr. Vaughan performing the surgery. He's been with us since the early NICU days, and I wouldn't trust anyone besides him doing this surgery. Honestly, Ashton has the BEST doctors!